*Cookie Dough Sales- On Monday all students at Berryton will be treated to a free cookie as a part of our cookie dough fundraiser for PTO. Forms will go home on Monday and need to be returned by March 10.
*Kona Ice- To kick off Read Across America week we will have Kona Ice on March 3rd. Parents can purchase their child's treat ahead of time by clicking here.
*Boxes Needed- Mrs. Selman is looking for cereal boxes, gummy boxes, granola bar boxes, etc. for our upcoming art projects! All sizes work! Please drop them off in the main office.
*Kids Heart Challenge-Hello, Heart Heroes! Are you ready? The Kids Heart Challenge is coming to our school soon! We have some exciting things planned this year to get us moving, help others, and have a lot of fun! Get a head start by signing up today and helping your student choose a daily health challenge. Visit our school’s website by clicking here.
*Calling All Future Kindergartners- It is already that time of year where we start working on enrollment for the next academic year. If you have a student that will turn 5 prior to August 31, 2025 please complete here. If your child is already a current student at Berryton Elementary in one of our preschool programs, and WILL be attending Kindergarten in the fall of 2025, please go ahead and complete the form.
*Shawnee Heights Facility Needs- Our district is analyzing next steps for facilities updates. Click here to learn more.
*BES Spirit Store- Click here to see lots of BES apparel.