Issue 2 Newsletter
2024-25 School Year
The second semester is in full swing, and we remain dedicated to our mission: to provide quality education that ensures academic achievement for all students and develops caring, productive, and responsible citizens. Our outstanding staff continue to make this a reality each day, supporting the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of our students.
January is School Board Appreciation Month, and we want to take a moment to recognize the dedicated individuals who serve on our school board. These community leaders volunteer their time, energy, and expertise to ensure our schools provide the best possible education for all students. We are incredibly grateful for the commitment and service of our school board members.
We also want to recognize a leadership change within our Board of Education. Congratulations to our new Board President, Erica Price, and Vice President, Sarah Sanders! We appreciate their commitment to our district and look forward to their leadership in the year ahead.
In this newsletter, you’ll also read more about the facilities work taking place, the Spotlight Award, Snow Days, a communications tip, and the Azura Community Impact Card.
As always, thank you for your continued support and partnership in making Shawnee Heights a great place to learn and grow!
At Shawnee Heights, we are committed to providing our students with the best possible learning environments—both now and in the future. Over the past year, we've evaluated our district's facilities to ensure they meet the needs of modern education and growing student populations.
Where We Started
This process began in June 2023 with a district population study, and a comprehensive building needs assessment by HTK Architects. Their findings helped us identify key areas that need updates to support student success. This fall, our administrators and the Board of Education reviewed these findings and discussed potential improvements.
The Role of the Steering Committee
To ensure a well-rounded approach, our Board of Education formed a Facility Update Steering Committee of parents, staff, Board members, and community members. This committee reviews facility needs, explores potential solutions, and makes recommendations to the Board of Education. Their focus is on:
Creating additional space in our elementary schools.
Ensuring safe, accessible facilities for all students.
Modernizing learning spaces to support today's teaching methods.
Addressing long-term infrastructure needs.
Key Facility Needs
Through school tours and discussions, the committee identified priority updates at each of our buildings:
Elementary Schools: More classrooms, improved security, and additional space for student services like physical therapy, art, and small-group instruction.
Middle School: Expanded elective classrooms, updated science and art spaces, and better counseling facilities.
High School: Renovated elective classrooms and upgrades to athletic spaces.
Exploring Solutions
The committee is considering multiple options to address space constraints at our elementary schools, including adding onto existing buildings or relocating 6th grade to the middle school and renovating all buildings with improved spaces. These discussions are centered on what's best for student learning and growth. All possibilities are being thoroughly thought through and researched.
Looking Ahead: A Unique Opportunity
With our current bond set to be paid off in September 2025, we have a timely opportunity to invest in facility improvements while minimizing the financial impact on our community. If a new bond is pursued, a decision will need to be made by May 2025, with a potential vote in August.
Your Input Matters
Watch our steering committee update videos below. As we move forward, community feedback will be essential. We'll gather input from our community through different channels this spring. In the meantime, visit our Facility Study Info page to stay updated, check FAQ's, and share your thoughts through our feedback form.
Thank you for being a part of this important conversation. Together, we're shaping the future of Shawnee Heights!
We’re excited to announce that the first Spotlight Award for this school year goes to Pam Hook! Pam’s dedication and positive spirit have made a significant impact, especially with efforts in recruiting bus drivers for our district. Her commitment to helping our team grow and her enthusiastic approach exemplify what it means to be part of the Shawnee Heights family.
Spotlight Awards are presented throughout the year to staff members who go above and beyond. Would you like to nominate a USD 450 employee for a Spotlight Award? Complete our USD 450 Spotlight Award Nomination Form to highlight the next deserving staff member. All nominations will remain active throughout the school year, so don’t hesitate to recognize those who inspire you.
Congratulations again to Pam – we’re lucky to have you on our team!
It has been a wild start to the second semester! With three snow days in the first week back and frigid temperatures throughout, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate this weather.
As of today, January 31, 2025, students will not be required to make up any of the missed snow days. However, if we have additional snow days, we may need to make up those days to ensure we meet the state's required instructional hours.
We understand the importance of maintaining the integrity of our academic calendar and will communicate any changes promptly if inclement weather impacts our schedule further.
We decide to open or close the schools in bad weather based on a careful analysis of all relevant factors, such as:
Information on road conditions from transportation staff, administration, and the police.
Amount of snow and ice accumulated.
Whether precipitation is continuing.
Building conditions (such as whether we have electricity and heat).
Our Superintendent drives district roads to assess their safety and collaborates with administrators, maintenance, and custodial staff, who are responsible for clearing and treating parking lots and sidewalks, to determine if conditions are suitable for school operations.
Weather forecast. We prefer not to make our decisions based on a weather forecast, which is not always accurate. But sometimes, this is unavoidable.
What other school districts are doing. While this doesn't necessarily mean all districts in the area will agree to the same outcome, we share information with other local districts and check whether they are opening or closing.
Read more about our School Closing Procedures for inclement weather.
We are committed to keeping our families informed and continuously improving our communication efforts. Part of this involves helping families better understand how to use our current communication tools. One such tool is Remind, an approved platform for classroom communication. While not all teachers use Remind, it can be a valuable way to stay connected if your student's teacher does. Other district-approved communication methods include school email, so we encourage you to check with your student's teacher about their preferred way to stay in touch.
Tips and Tricks for Customizing Your Remind Experience
Did you know you can personalize how you receive communications from Remind? Here's how:
Choose Your Notification Preferences:
Log in to your Remind account via the app or website.
Navigate to your notification settings.
On the app:
Select the three horizontal lines located in the upper left-hand corner.
Select the gear icon by your name.
Click Notifications
On a desktop
Select your name in the upper left-hand corner.
Select account settings.
Click Notifications
Here you will see the contacts we have integrated for you when you enrolled your student. Clicking on the 3 vertical dots allows you to turn on or turn off the notifications to that contact number (texts), email address (emails), or phone (push notifications.)
You can update these settings at any time.
If you add a phone number or email to Remind, it will only be used within Remind. Please contact your student's school office if you want to add or change contact information in your student's school records.
If you want more details about getting started with Remind, watch the video below and check out this Parent Resource Guide.
Important Notes
Communication from the District or Schools: Please note that district-wide or school-level communication is sent through other platforms. Be sure to keep your contact information current to ensure you never miss an important update. Please get in touch with your student's school office if you need to make changes.
Communication for Guardians: If you are a student's guardian, you should receive communication regardless of whether you are listed as the first, second, or fifth contact during enrollment. If you are not receiving communication, please contact our communications department by phone at (785) 730-5001 or email at so we can troubleshoot the issue.
Azura Credit Union presented Shawnee Heights USD 450 with a check for $10,882.60, the total amount raised in 2024 through their Shawnee Heights Community Impact Card.
Through this program, Azura donates five cents to the district each time a member uses their Shawnee Heights Visa Debit Card to make a purchase—at no cost to the member. This small action adds up in a big way, as demonstrated by this record-breaking contribution. Since the program’s inception in 2020, Azura Credit Union has donated $27,552.25 to our schools.
Funds from the Community Impact Card support our Employee and Student Engagement Fund, which provides flexibility to invest in activities and initiatives that benefit our students and staff, fostering engagement and enhancing the educational experience across the district. Last year, this fund helped make events like the Adaptive Field Day and the Greenhouse Grand Opening possible.
We are grateful to Azura Credit Union and its members for their continued commitment to Shawnee Heights USD 450. To learn more about Azura’s Community Impact Program or get your Shawnee Heights Visa Debit Card, visit
Download our FREE App!
Make sure to prepare for the new academic year by downloading our FREE App📱Find school events, news, menus, and more in one easy place. 🌟 Don't miss out - search "Shawnee Heights" in your Google Play or App Store
Community Opportunities
Check out our Community Opportunities page, where flyers are posted from local businesses and organizations about events and opportunities in our community.
Sheila Meggers, Superintendent
Matt Hirsch, Associate Superintendent
Board of Education
Erica Price - President
Sarah Sanders - Vice President
Rocky Busenitz
Rosa Cavazos
Christina Flaming
Lauren Tice Miller
Kristy VanMetre